How can I find quality and affordable health care/insurance in Los Angeles? I’m thinking about applying for Medi-Cal and the only options for LA County are Health Net and the LA Care Plan. However, many reviews of Health Net and the LA Care Plan are negative. What do I do?
California Girl
Dear California Girl,
Under health reform, you do not have a choice between Medi-Cal and private insurance. Your options are determined by your income level. If you qualify by income for Medi-Cal, then you get Medi-Cal. If your income is too high for Medi-Cal, then you get subsidized health insurance from the exchange.
You first need to apply and find out what your options are. Fortunately, this can be done in one sweep: you can go to Covered California™ and enter your information. You will find out which options are open to you.
If you do end up with subsidized health insurance, then you can choose between the two insurers. Consumer reviews of an insurer are valuable, but keep in mind that fewer happy customers write in their good news. People just naturally have more energy for bad news.